Tajuk: Mufti Menk - Day 1 (Life of Muhammad PBUH) - Ramadan 2012
Sumber: http://youtu.be/VO22l6-Qkys
Durasi: 40m 54s
Penceramah: Mufti Menk (Ismail Musa Menk)
[0:32] Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
[0:36] Bismillahi walhamdulillahi wassolahtu wassalamu ala abdillahi warasulihi Muhammad wa ala alihi waasbihi ajmain.
[0:43] We praise Allah Subhanawataala (SWT).
[0:45] We thank Allah SWT for giving us this beautiful month of Ramadan [
رمضان ].
[0:50] And as you know, the month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran.
[0:54] It is the month where we study the Quran, we listen to it, we try to understand it, we put it into practise and we convey it to others.
[1:02] Every deed that we engage-in in this month is multiplied. You and I know that.
[1:06] A
faradh act, the reward of it is multiplied.
[1:09] A sunah act, the reward of it gets right up to a
faradh and perhaps beyond, depending on your intention.
[1:15] My beloved brothers and sisters, we ask Allah SWT to make us from amongst those who take this month seriously for it is a gift.
[1:24] It might be the last Ramadan we are going to see in our lives.
[1:27] And we have seen Ramadans in the past. We are lucky to see it tonight.
[1:31] If Allah wants, we may not see it tomorrow night. And this is the Will of Allah SWT.
[1:36] In the past, my beloved brothers and sisters, we have been through translation of various verses of the Quran.
[1:44] And we have been through the reasons of revelations of the verses of the Quran. In brief.
[1:50] And we have been through stories of the prophets.
[1:53] We have been through subjects within the Noble Quran over the years.
[1:58] And this year, as you would perhaps know, we have to complete the stories of the prophets by the story of the greatest of all prophets of Allah SWT; Muhammad Sallallahualaihiwasallam (SAW).
[2:12] So it was only befitting that we dedicated the entire month to the story of this Messenger, peace be upon him.
[2:19] Whereas when it came to the other Messengers, a night or two or three was enough.
[2:24] When it comes to Rasulullah SAW, we being his umah, it is only befitting that we take our time to go through the life of the most blessed of all creatures, the high and the loftiest in rank of all the creatures of Allah SWT.
[2:40] We ask Allah to grant us the understanding of the gift that we have.
[2:46] The gift that we have of being mukminin, believing in Allah alone.
[2:50] The gift that we have of being the umah of the highest of creation.
[2:55] These are two gifts of Allah SWT that He selects and chooses people to give them.
[3:01] So we have been carefully chosen by Allah SWT to give us this gift of His.
[3:07] And Wallahi, if we look at it.
[3:09] And if we understand it, we will be able to recognize a gift of Allah and become the beloved of Allah SWT.
[3:17] May Allah make us those who love Him and may He love us in return.
[3:22] My beloved brothers and sisters, it is very important for us to go through an introduction.
[3:28] And this introduction would start with the importance of learning the history of Muhammad SAW.
[3:36] What does it do? And what will it do to me if I study the life of Muhammad SAW?
[3:42] Point number one.
[3:44] The first point that I want to raise.
[3:46] It increases my love for him, Sallallahualaihiwasallam.
[3:50] And at the same time it increases my love for his Maker, who has made me as well; Allah SWT.
[3:58] So, by studying the sirah, by studying the life of Muhammad SAW and his history, it will increase our love for Allah and His rasul.
[4:08] We will understand how Allah has chosen Muhammad SAW.
[4:12] And how we were chosen to be from amongst his followers.
[4:17] So Allah SWT has blessed us as Allah says:
[Recites Surah ali Imran, verse 164]
(164) ... لَقَدْ مَنَّ اللَّهُ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ بَعَثَ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ
[English: Sahih International] Certainly did Allah confer [great] favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error. (164)
[4:32] [Translation] "Allah has favoured the believers by sending to them a Messenger from amongst them."
[4:37] [Recites Surah ali Imran, verse 164]
(164) ... يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ ...
[4:41] [Translation] Reading and reciting His verses.
[4:43] He came down, he did not bring anything from his pocket.
[4:46] Allah says:
[Recites Surah an-Najam, verse 3]
(3) وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَىٰ
[English: Sahih International] Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. (3)
[4:50] [Translation] He did not utter anything from his desires or lust or fancies.
[4:54] [Recites Surah an-Najam, verse 4]
(4) إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْيٌ يُوحَىٰ
[English: Sahih International] It is not but a revelation revealed, (4)
[4:59] [Translation] Everything he said was revealed and inspired by Allah SWT.
[5:04] Sometimes you will find Allah admonish him.
[5:07] Not because he said something from his pocket.
[5:10] But because Allah inspired him to say something for us to learn later on; that if you were to make an error or if you were to say something that required admonition, how should you react to that admonition.
[5:23] A lot of us feel bad when we are told.
[5:26] A lot of us feel very bad when we are told.
[5:28] We will go through the life of Muhammad SAW and see how he, the perfect, reacted when he was corrected and when he was told.
May Allah make us from those who follow.
[5:39] Remember one thing: we always harp on about how important it is to follow the Messenger, Sallallahualaihiwasallam.
[5:47] How will we know it if we haven't gone through his life?
[5:51] Can I know how important it is, or can I know what to do in order to follow Muhammad SAW's message if I don't even know how he reacted?
[6:00] So this is the beauty of studying the sirah.
[6:02] It draws you closer to Allah.
[6:04] It makes you a proper Muslim.
[6:06] It makes you a person who is now able to surrender after he has read, after he has listened, after he or she has understood.
May Allah SWT open our doors.
[6:16] Then, we will follow his example.
[6:18] And at the same time, our love for him will increase.
[6:22] And at the same time, our love for his Companions will increase because they were ready to give-up their lives for the sake of Allah.
[6:30] In fact, many of them gave their lives up for the sake of Allah.
[6:34] [Recites Surah al-Ahzab, verse 23]
(23) ... مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ
[English: Sahih International] Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration - (23)
[6:39] Allah says in Surah al-Ahzab:
[Recites Surah al-Ahzab, verse 23]
ۖ مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ
ۖ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ
(23) وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا
[7:01] [Translation] From amongst the men, from amongst the believers. There are men who have fulfilled their promise to Allah. They have been truthful upon their word to Allah SWT.
[7:13] What they promised Allah?
-- We'll give our lives.
[7:16] Some of them have already given their lives and the others are in waiting.
[7:19] This verse was revealed at the time of Muhammad SAW.
[7:22] May Allah SWT help us to sacrifice at least a bit of our time in the month of Ramadan and outside Ramadan as well. At least to fulfil our solat.
[7:31] A few days ago, someone was showing me how people have been dying in most blessed positions of solat.
[7:38] One man in rukuk.
One man as he's starting solat.
One man on the mimbar, just before he got on the musalla to be the leader of solatul Jumaat. He passed away in this country.
May Allah SWT grant him Jannah.
[7:54] But the question is: We listen about people who have passed away in positions of solat.
Do we even read our solat to start with?
[8:03] That's the question.
[8:04] Do we even read our solat?
[8:06] So what chances do we have to die in the position of sujud when we don't even make that sajdah?
[8:12] By learning the sirah of Muhammad SAW, we will become regular with our duties unto Allah SWT.
[8:19] Because we will see how they achieve success through following the Messenger SAW.
[8:26] This afternoon, I spoke in Jumaat.
[8:29] And I mentioned something very important.
Solatul Jumaat.
[8:34] Allat SWT has blessed us in every single way.
[8:38] We have the sirah of Muhammad SAW.
[8:41] We have the month of Ramadan.
[8:43] If we don't make use of this, wallahi, it carries on. We are the ones who missed the train.
[8:48] We are the ones who missed the train.
[8:49] So Allah SWT also has made mention the various details of the life of Muhammad SAW. Every detail.
The names. The places. His childhood. His adulthood. An so on.
[9:06] Today we have superheroes.
[9:09] And to mention some of them... In fact this is the house of Allah SWT.
[9:14] But we all know that the football stars.
[9:18] We know them. Our children know them.
[9:20] They know who are their girlfriends. Astaghfirullah.
[9:23] They know the whole history of the golfer, that one of the top golfers in the world. What happened to him. What were the names of the women in his life. And what exactly he did and they did.
[9:33] They know everyone and they know so much of them.
[9:36] They know their team.
[9:37] They wear the T-shirts of the team, even if it has a devil drawn on it. They don't mind.
Am I right?
[9:43] These are Muslim children.
[9:45] Because they are following, they will cut their hair like baboons in order to look like someone who is just able to kick a ball on the globe.
Allahu akbar.
[9:55] For your information, the whole globe is like a ball.
[9:57] May Allah SWT open our doors.
[10:00] But when you ask them about the names of the Companions of Muhammad SWT, very rarely will they give them to you.
[10:08] May Allah SWT use this month of Ramadan to motivate us and our children instead of them sitting and watching cartoons. May they be motivated to sit and to listen to the sirah of Muhammad SAW.
[10:22] Then, it is important for us also. In our lives, to look at how we should be as a husband.
[10:28] Because Muhammad SAW's example was unique.
[10:32] Allah says:
[Recites Surah al-Ahzab, verse 21]
لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ
(21) وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا
[English: Sahih International] There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often. (21)
[10:52] That is another verse in Surah al-Ahzab. Allah says:
[Translation] Indeed, in the life of Muhammad SAW is a perfect example. For those who are looking forward to the meeting with Allah SWT. And those who are looking forward to the last day.
[11:07] How many of us are looking forward to meeting with Allah?
[11:10] To meeting with Rasulullah SAW and the others?
[11:14] A lot of us are clinging to Earth.
[11:16] And we cling to Earth in a way that we usurp the wealth of people.
[11:19] We hate people for no reason besides a few dollars and cents.
[11:23] And what happens?
-- We stop talking to our own brothers and sisters because of some little monetary issue.
[11:29] Why should that be the case?
[11:31] If you want, here, follow the example of Rasulullah SAW.
[11:35] As a husband.
[11:36] As a father.
[11:37] As a person who was a leader.
[11:39] As a man at times of war.
[11:41] They say he was just at times of war.
[11:45] And he was very merciful even at the same time. The time of war.
[11:49] Look at what happened when he entered Makkatul Mukarramah.
[11:52] And he had a vast army.
[11:54] The people of Makkah were now shocked.
[11:56] They looked at the numbers.
[11:57] And he says:
Ya makshara Quraisy. Maza tazunnuna anni fa-ilum bikum?
[12:02] [Translation] "O people of Quraisy."
[12:04] And they were at his disposal. He could have done anything.
[12:07] "O you who killed a lot of my Companions and relatives, what do you think I'm going to do to you today?"
[12:13] They were silent.
[12:15] Some of them answered, "Well, we hope goodness because you are a good man. A son of a good man."
[12:20] Suddenly, you know, people are good.
[12:21] Why?
-- Because now we are at their mercy.
[12:24] People become good when you are at their mercy.
[12:26] You know, I remember. A true story.
[12:28] When I was at school, there was a young boy.
[12:31] And he was so thin and everyone used to bully him.
[12:34] So he, one day, decided in the school holidays, to inject himself with all the proteins and to start pumping weight, literally.
[12:42] And he came back just about one-and-a-half months later. Huge.
[12:47] And he looked at the guys who were bullying him.
[12:49] They all started greeting him.
[12:51] They all became his friends.
[12:52] Why?
-- Because he would probably lift them up with one finger.
Allahu akbar.
[12:56] But moments before that, what happened?
-- They used to bully the same youngster.
[13:00] Today he's a big man.
[13:01] Nobody dare take his name. Why?
-- Because of size.
[13:05] So here, Muhammad SAW, what happened?
-- They persecuted them.
[13:09] Meaning: they persecuted him and his Companions.
[13:12] And the day when he came into Makkatul Mukarramah, do you know what happened?
[13:16] He asked them the question: "What do you think I'm going to do to you today?"
[13:19] Then he says:
Izhabu fa-antumuttulaqa.
[13:24] "You guys can carry on."
[13:25] "You people can carry on."
[13:27] "You are free. No retribution today."
[13:29] I will tell you what the Prophet Yusuf, Joseph, may-peace-be-upon-him, told his brothers.
[13:35] [Recites Surah Yusuf, verse 92]
(92) ... ۖ لَا تَثْرِيبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْيَوْمَ ...
[English: Sahih International] He said, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful." (92)
[13:38] "I'm holding nothing against you today. No retribution. Nothing. Carry on."
[13:43] How many of us can do that to our own brothers and sisters and family members?
[13:48] I think we as Muslims find it difficult.
[13:51] So this is why when we study the sirah, it softens our hearts towards our own people. And it softens our heart in a way that we learn.
[13:58] The Prophet SAW, he was a judge between people.
How did he rule?
[14:04] He at the same time was a daie. He called people to Islam.
[14:08] How did he call people to Islam?
-- He called people to goodness.
We will be going through that.
[14:14] So many of his Companions memorized the Quran.
How did he achieve that?
[14:19] Most of them were adults.
[14:20] Today our children are memorizing the Quran.
[14:23] We got to beat the daylights out of them in order for them to know what is next and so on.
[14:28] A lot of the times, this is what people think
hift is all about.
[14:31] You find the syeikh sitting, the imam sitting with one big stick.
[14:34] Where was the stick of the Prophet SAW?
[14:38] And yet his students, most of them were adults.
[14:41] The Sahabat radiallahuanhum, what was their age?
-- They were adults.
[14:44] So adult literacy, although they were unlettered.
Allahu akbar.
[14:48] Look at the love with which Nabi SAW taught his own people.
[14:54] Then we have also through the sirah and through the life of Muhammad SAW, we come to learn the beauty of the Quran, the reasons of revelation because as you know, the Quran was revealed separately. It did not come down just in book form.
[15:09] Twenty-three years over which the Quran was revealed. As the incidence occurred, verses came down.
[15:15] As the incidence occurred, the verses came down.
[15:18] And this is why it is important to know these stories so you would know why the verse came down.
[15:23] When you know why the verse came down as you are reciting it, you would actually smile because now you know names, and you know places, and you know why a verse is there.
[15:31] And you also know that this verse is a lesson for me, today in my life.
May Allah SWT open our doors.
[15:37] So we have so many things to learn from Muhammad SAW.
[15:42] Then, very important matter: how was he with his enemies?
[15:47] He had from amongst his own people, who claimed to be his own people, those who were not Muslim. But they just pretending.
[15:55] Pretending. A man like Abdullah ibn Ubai ibn Salul.
[15:59] He was known as "Raksul munafikin". "The head of the hypocrites".
[16:03] And Rasulullah SAW dealt with him in a very very professional way.
[16:09] He put him in one corner; the man couldn't move this way, he couldn't move that way.
Allahu akbar.
[16:14] Look! Even the politicians have a page to take from Muhammad SAW.
[16:20] How did he deal with his people?
[16:22] Imagine. A man unlettered, in the middle of a desert, in the midst of people who could not read or write.
[16:29] [Recites Surah al-Jumu'ah, verse 2]
(2)... هُوَ الَّذِي بَعَثَ فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ رَسُولًا مِّنْهُمْ
[English: Sahih International] It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom - although they were before in clear error - (2)
[16:35] [Translation] "It is Allah who sent amongst the unlettered a Messenger from them."
[16:42] That means: they were unlettered.
[16:43] And He sent a Messenger, one of them. The bulk of them were unlettered. It was a big deal to be able to read and write at that time.
[16:50] And Allah says: "He sent a Messenger from amongst them to them."
[16:55] The point I'm raising is, imagine: Desert. Unlettered. No Internet. No phone. No nothing.
[17:02] No means of communication. No fax. No telex.
[17:06] No Internet. No television. No nothing.
[17:08] And yet, he changed the globe in a few years.
[17:13] Today, more than two billion people follow the message of Muhammad SAW.
[17:18] [Recites the syahadah]
[17:25] What powerful man.
[17:27] Imagine what rules and regulations he followed.
-- They came from Allah.
[17:32] And imagine he went to Thaif. He was persecuted.
[17:34] That's another point we learn from the sirah of Muhammad SAW.
[17:38] When ever we are in difficulty, pick-up the pages of the sirah. The history of Muhammad SAW.
[17:44] Read what happened to him.
[17:46] You will find that he suffered much more than anyone of us could ever suffer.
[17:51] And this is why Allah SWT tells us with the blessed lips of Muhammad SAW in a hadis that, those who will be tested the most are those who are loved more by Allah SWT.
[18:06] And the next narration says: The ambia', the prophets of Allah, are tested the most. And then those who are closest to them in example. And then those who are next.
May Allah SWT grant us the understanding.
[18:19] So when you have problems in your life, the way to ease the difficulties: to read the sirah of Muhammad SAW.
[18:27] And I make a doa to Allah.
I ask Allah SWT: "Ya Allah. The people who are suffering across the globe today, ya Allah. And all the sufferings we face as well, ya Allah. Ya Allah, grant us ease, ya Allah.
The sirah of Muhammad SAW, let it be a means of the comforting of our hearts and souls going through the pages. Let us learn lessons that sooth our souls that extinguish the flame that maybe burning within our systems."
May Allah SWT grant us goodness.
[18:58] So this is the sirah. What a blessed sirah.
[19:01] And it is important for us to create a thirst in the hearts and minds of the people before we actually end up speaking of his blessed birth.
[19:09] Sallallahualaihiwasallam.
[19:10] So Muhammad SAW, if we take a look. His character. His conduct. His belief. His acts of worship. So much so we will come to learn that Aishah radiallahuanha asked him a question:
O Messenger, peace-be-upon-him. You stand in solat at night. Until your feet are swollen. And yet you have no sin. You have been forgiven. You are going to be entering Paradise. So, can't you rest a little bit?
[19:35] And he says:
"O Aishah,
afala akuna abdan shakura."
[19:39] [Translation] Can I not be, should I not be a slave who is thankful to Allah?
[19:44] I know the rank. I know the status. I've already got Jannah and so on. But I want to thank Allah SWT.
[19:50] Today, let's be honest.
[19:52] Alhamdulillah, we do read our solat. But sometimes a bit lazily.
[19:57] Sometimes we feel lazy.
[19:59] In this cold city of Polokwane, ask me how cold I feel.
[20:03] Coming from a much warmer place north of the border.
[20:08] And believe me, to make wuduk; that cold water is a challenge.
[20:12] But look at Muhammad SAW. He was already told about his rank. He knew it. He was a Messenger. Jibril alaihissalam used to come to him. He used to stand in solat until his feet were swollen.
[20:24] Our feet only swell when we take a long journey from here to Singapore, by air.
[20:30] Then you find the feet swelling.
[20:31] And then we have to rest with our feet up for a while.
[20:34] Have our feet ever swollen that much through solat?
Let's be honest.
[20:38] Still we feel lazy.
[20:40] People complain: "Five minutes, too much."
"Five minutes, too little."
[20:43] That's the test of Allah.
[20:44] If your feet can swell once in your life because of solat, wallahi, you have followed the example, the greatest example in existance.
May Allah SWT grant us good health and may He make our feet bear the solat that we read because our solat is no comparison to the solat of Muhammad SAW.
[21:05] So, those are the examples we follow.
[21:08] His love. His purity of the heart.
[21:11] His love for sacrifice.
[21:14] The Sahabat radiallahuanhum, if you take a look at those Companions; ninety-nine of them would give their lives in order to build the life of one of them.
[21:25] I'm sure you know the story of the Companions during one of the battles where there was water required. One needed it and he saw his brother had a need, he passed it.
[21:34] And the other one saw his brother had a need, he passed it.
[21:38] And the other one saw his brother had a need, he passed it.
[21:40] Until they lost their lives in order to save the life of the next man.
[21:45] Today, ninety-nine of us would gather around one man in order to distroy him.
[21:50] That's the opposite.
[21:52] See, totally opposite.
May Allah SWT bless us. May He grant us that selflessness once again where we can sacrifice.
[22:00] Allah praises the Ansar. Allah says:
[Recites Surah al-Hashr, verse 9]
(9) ... ۚ يُؤْثِرُونَ عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ وَلَوْ كَانَ بِهِمْ خَصَاصَةٌ ...
[English: Sahih International] And [also for] those who were settled in al-Madinah and [adopted] the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any want in their breasts of what the emigrants were given but give [them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful. (9)
[22:09] The Companions of Muhammad SAW give preference over themselves. Even if they are in dire need. Even if they are in dire need of that particular item. They would still give it away.
[22:21] Today our zakat. To calculate it we become a little bit stingy.
[22:27] What about the sedekah? The voluntary charities?
[22:31] You find small figures.
Alhamdulillah, it's good. It's better than nothing.
But, open your heart. Spend.
[22:37] And this is why the best dirham, the best that is spent in the path of Allah SWT, is that which you spend whilst you are fearing poverty.
[22:49] And you're still spending.
That is now from the heart.
Allahu akbar.
[22:53] When you are fearing, "Eh, I might need this. But, no, this man needs it more. Let me take a little bit of it and give him."
[22:57] We sometimes are not even ready to share with our own brothers and sisters.
May Allah SWT grant us a deep understanding.
[23:05] So now, if you look at Muhammad SAW's life. And you look at how the Islamic nation developed, you will be able to study it and undoubtedly, everyone on the globe has a lesson.
[23:18] A lesson to learn from it: How Islam developed. What is it that will develop Islam? What is it that will develop the men? And what is it that will drop them?
May Allah SWT not make us from amongst those who drop. But rather may He make us from those who develop ourselves at all times.
[23:40] And this is why Allah SWT says, when He speaks about granting us power, authority on the Earth. And making us able to fulfil our religion without any fear on the globe.
[23:55] Allah SWT says:
[Recites Surah an-Nur, verse 54]
(54) ... ۖ قُلْ أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ
[English: Sahih International] Say, "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away - then upon him is only that [duty] with which he has been charged, and upon you is that with which you have been charged. And if you obey him, you will be [rightly] guided. And there is not upon the Messenger except the [responsibility for] clear notification." (54)
[24:01] [Translation] Say: Follow Allah, follow his Messenger.
[24:04] [Recites Surah an-Nur, verse 54]
ۖ فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَإِنَّمَا عَلَيْهِ مَا حُمِّلَ وَعَلَيْكُم مَّا حُمِّلْتُمْ ...
ۚ وَإِن تُطِيعُوهُ تَهْتَدُوا
(54) وَمَا عَلَى الرَّسُولِ إِلَّا الْبَلَاغُ الْمُبِينُ
[24:23] Beautiful verses where Allah SWT is saying:
[Translation] That if they turn away, then you are responsible for fulfilling your duty, they are responsible for fulfilling their duty.
[24:37] And if they are to follow, Subhanallah. Allah will grant them.
[24:42] They will be guided.
[24:44] And remember. The Messenger's duty is only to deliver the message.
[24:49] Once he delivers the message it's up to us, to take heed.
[24:53] And his message is applicable not only today but up to the end of time.
May Allah SWT make us from those who appreciate and understand before it is too late.
[25:04] And this is why the very next verse Allah says:
[Recites Surah an-Nur, verse 55]
وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ
(55) ... لَيَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ كَمَا اسْتَخْلَفَ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ
[English: Sahih International] Allah has promised those who have believed among you and done righteous deeds that He will surely grant them succession [to authority] upon the earth just as He granted it to those before them and that He will surely establish for them [therein] their religion which He has preferred for them and that He will surely substitute for them, after their fear, security, [for] they worship Me, not associating anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that - then those are the defiantly disobedient. (55)
[23:22] [Translation] Allah has promised those who believe and do good deeds from amongst you that He will grant you authority on land like He did to those before you.
[25:32] You believe and you do good deeds. And then Allah says:
[Translation] and He will make is easy for you to fulfil your duties unto Allah on the Earth.
No fear. Alhamdulillah.
[25:46] We ask Allah SWT to return those days to us.
[25:51] Also what is of utmost importance.
[25:53] I would be failing if I did not utter this.
[25:58] The qualities of Muhammad SAW, we've spoken about his character and conduct and how we will go through it.
[26:04] But what about his appearance?
[26:07] He was created in such a way that some of his Companions describe him, Hassan ibn Thabit radiallahuanhu, who was a poet.
[26:16] It is reported that from amongst his
diwan, amongst the poems that he recited, one of them was connected to how he says: "You are so beautiful that it is as though you were created according to how you wished to be created."
[26:36] Imagine today if I'm sitting here. And you know your nose and your eyes and you might sit in front of a mirror for a moment and say: "Oh, this is bent. And that's straight. And this is like this. And that's..."
Allah keeps it that way.
[26:46] Everyone needs to thank Allah. You have your unique identity.
[26:50] Sometimes you go and change things, you actually mess things up.
May Allah SWT grant us goodness.
[26:56] It's your identity. Be happy.
[26:57] No one notices the small things. It's you who notice it more.
[27:00] You're looking too much in the mirror.
[27:02] Just remove the mirrors from your home, you'll be a happy man. A happy woman more like.
Allahu akbar.
[27:07] It happens more to the females.
[27:08] So Allah SWT...
Well nowadays, who knows, it can happen to the males also. Becoming too concious.
[27:14] So Allah SWT has created the best of creation in such a way that just by looking at him, you'd love him.
[27:24] Abdullah ibn Salam radiallahuanhu, he was a Jewish rabbi.
[27:27] When he saw Muhammad SAW for the first time he said: "As soon as I saw this face, I knew this is not the face of a liar. This man utters the truth. He is the nabi."
[27:37] And immediately that same majlis, the same sitting, he had accepted Islam.
[27:42] Because he heard the words of Muhammad SAW and he said: "Those are the words of a Messenger."
May Allah SWT make us truthful.
[27:50] And this is why I'd like to mention what Ibn Kathir rahmatullahialaih says in the tafsir of the verse:
[Recites Surah al-Fath, verse 29]
(29) ... ۚ سِيمَاهُمْ فِي وُجُوهِهِم مِّنْ أَثَرِ السُّجُودِ ...
[English: Sahih International] Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers - so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward. (29)
[28:03] [Translation] Their signs are on their faces, on their foreheads.
[28:07] From the sign of sujud.
[28:10] You can see it from their faces that this man pious.
[28:14] Ibn Kathir rahmatullahialaih makes mention of one of the tafsirs.
[28:19] And he says:
One of the
mufassirin have said: It is connected to your solat.
[28:24] [Recites
Man hasunat solatuhu fillail hasunat wajhuhu finnahar.
[28:28] [Translation] Whoever solat is beautiful by night, their face becomes beautiful during the day.
Allahu akbar.
[28:34] People look at you and they see, Masya-Allah, the nur on your face.
May Allah SWT grant us the nur.
[28:41] And may He make us from amongst those who do not mistaken fair complexion for nur.
[28:45] Because it's a sign of our weakness where we think fair in complexion is nur.
[28:49] Nay. You can have a man as dark as charcoal who is full of nur.
[28:53] But it needs one to recognize one.
May Allah SWT guide us and make us from those who realize.
[29:00] So that is the beauty of Muhammad SAW.
[29:04] [Recites
Wa-ahsanu min qalam taraqat wa-aini.
[29:07] [Translation] "More beautiful than you my eyes have never seen."
[29:10] [Recites
Wa-ajmalu min qalam talidin nisa-uu.
[29:12] [Translation] "More beautiful than you, the women have never given birth to."
[29:16] [Recites
Khuliktamu barra-an min kulli aibin.
[29:19] [Translation] "You have been created free from all flaws. Physical flaws."
[29:23] [Recites
Kaannaka khulikta kama tasha-uu.
[29:25] [Translation] "As though you have been created how you wanted to be created."
[29:30] Sallallahualaihiwasallam.
[29:33] One of the points we learnt last year when we were going through the stories of the prophets of Allah, may-peace-be-upon-them-all.
[29:40] Every one of them was good-looking.
[29:43] Every one of them had good features.
[29:45] Every one of them was chosen whilst they had, you know, pure proper health.
[29:50] And if there was any little defect, for example, of Musa alaihissolatuwassalam's tongue; it was also part of the test of the people.
[29:59] "Tongue", meaning...
[30:00] You know Musa alaihissolatuwassalam hurt his tongue when he was young.
[30:03] So he had a little bit of a stutter.
[30:05] That too, Allah SWT wanted to send his brother with him.
[30:10] And this was the excuse that was used.
May Allah SWT grant us a deep understanding.
[30:15] One of the reasons is: Imagine if the ambia' of Allah SWT, the Messengers, were such that nobody wanted to look at them.
[30:23] If that was the case, people would say: "No. That man, you know, the way that he is created by You O Allah."
People didn't even want to look at him.
May Allah SWT not make us such that people don't want to look at us.
[30:35] With us, it's connected to our link with Allah SWT.
[30:40] Then we look at, very importantly, we move on to something.
[30:45] The condition of the world at the time of Muhammad SAW.
[30:49] Just before his birth, what was around?
-- You had the Roman empire.
[30:55] The Roman empire stretched: Asia, Syria, what we know as Palestine today, Egypt, North Africa.
[31:03] And it had it's headquarters in the East, what is known today as Istanbul, Turkey.
[31:12] And it was known at that time as
Kostantiniyyah. Constantinople.
[31:18] The Byzantium empire was part of the Roman empire.
[31:21] And Allah SWT makes mention of this in Surah ar-Rum.
See, here:
Surah ar-Rum
[31:26] There is a whole surah in the Quran named after the Romans.
[31:29] They existed at the time. They were there.
[31:31] And who else was there?
-- You had the Persians in what we know today as Iran.
[31:36] The Persians, the bulk of them, were fire-worshippers.
[31:39] They used to oppress their women in a very great way.
[31:42] And as for the Romans, what happened to them?
May Allah SWT protect us.
[31:47] If you take a look at the story of Jesus, may-peace-be-upon-him.
[31:50] You will find how the Romans persecuted him.
[31:54] And how they were tyrants.
[31:56] And how even the wars that happened between them, they oppressed the working class to a great degree.
[32:02] There was a lot of strife.
[32:04] They were dirty people who did not know how to clean themselves.
[32:07] Up to very recently, you find some of the kings of Europe even, were proud that once a month they used to have a bath in public.
May Allah SWT safe-guard us.
[32:17] Once a month you have a bath.
Allahu akbar.
[32:20] We thank Allah for sending Muhammad SAW.
[32:23] It's important for us to make mention of this because you won't realize the gift that we have until you see the darkness that the globe was in.
[32:32] A lot of what we see today as civilization was brought by Muhammad SAW.
[32:37] They don't know.
[32:39] Why?
-- They hijacked it. They took it. Then they blamed us to be the hijackers.
Allahu akbar.
May Allah SWT open our doors.
[32:47] So we have here the Persians.
[32:51] They used to worship the fire. They used to worship many other things.
[32:55] From amongst them also, we had some who worshipped idols.
[32:59] And some who worshipped people. Hierarchy.
[33:02] And there were so many different types of confused people.
[33:06] If you look at the Romans. After a while, when Christianity came down, you find every king that came, he changed the Bible.
[33:15] And proudly they would say: "King James' version of the Bible."
[33:19] That means: "this is a version of the Bible which that king made."
[33:23] And he brought it forth.
[33:24] Then, another version of the Bible. This man came...
Another man came, he changed it.
That Pope came, he changed it.
[33:31] This is why today we have more that 36 different versions of the Bible.
[33:36] The Christians themselves cannot unite upon one.
[33:39] And we say this with due respect. It's a fact.
[33:43] So, as things were changed in order to suit the kings of the time, there was chaos and confusion.
[33:50] People started adding and subtracting until they raised Isa alaihissolatuwassalam, or Jesus, may-peace-be-upon-him, to the level of godhood and made him part of the Trinity.
[34:00] For your information, the Romans also fought, or the Christian denominations fought each other.
[34:08] They fought the Coptic Christians in Egypt as well.
[34:11] Why?
-- Because of: "Who was Jesus?"
"Was he a part of a Trinity?"
"What happened to him?"
[34:18] So, amongst the Christians, they began to fight.
[34:20] Because that king added something.
This pope added something.
This one added.
And the other's are saying: "But we don't know."
[34:26] What we would term today "bid'ah".
It's something new. It's innovated in the deen.
[34:29] It's come here. We need to take it out. And wars took place.
May Allah SWT protect us from innovation.
[34:36] Then you have the wars that took place between the Romans and the Persians.
[34:41] And this is also mentioned in the Quran.
[34:43] These wars were from a long time.
[34:45] And for your information, the Persians were considered more powerful. But each one feared the other.
[34:52] And sometimes this one won. And sometimes that one won.
And it took place for a long long time.
[34:57] Then you have the Indian subcontinent where we have the Hindus and the Buddhists, those worship the Buddha.
[35:04] And the Hindus as you know, hierarchies. They worshipped people.
You have the clergy, the Brahman, right at the top.
And then you have the others coming down.
May Allah SWT safe-guard us from worshipping people.
[35:16] [Recites
Innallahha abtha-aa muhammadan liyukhrijal ibad min ibadatil ibad ila ibadati rabbil ibad.
[35:22] [Translation] Allah SWT has sent Muhammad SAW to remove people from worshipping other worshippers, to worshipping the Rabb of the worshippers.
The Creator of everyone else.
[35:34] So we are not supposed to be worshipping the created.
[35:37] We only worship The Creator.
[35:39] When I put my head down on the ground, whom am I putting it down on the ground for?
-- Only the One who made me. No one else.
[35:46] Whoever made me, I owe Him my head on the ground.
May Allah SWT accept it from us.
[35:54] Then we have some of the other civilizations around that are mentioned in the Quran.
[35:59] And some of the previous nations that were within the Arabian peninsular.
[36:03] You have the people of Saba' [
سبإ ] in Yaman.
[36:06] And you have the people of 'Aad [
عاد ] and Thamud [
ثمود ] who were also in the peninsular.
[36:09] The people of 'Aad were in a place known as Ahqaf [
احقاف ], slightly south of Makkah. Or south of that part of the Arabian peninsular.
[36:17] And the people of Thamud were slightly north.
[36:20] And these were the people.
[36:21] And as you know, there was also at that particular time the Jews, the Christians, the fire-worshippers. As I mentioned the Buddhists and so on.
[36:30] And then you have the people of Makkah. And the Arabs of the surroundings.
[36:35] Who were they?
[36:37] Who were they?
[36:39] If we take a careful look, we will notice that from a religious perspective, they worshipped idols.
[36:47] They believed in superstition.
[36:49] Today, a lot of us are superstitious. Small things happen, we say: "No. If the black cat passes...", then this is happening.
[36:55] "If the owl sits on your roof...", that's happening.
[36:58] "If a crow comes this way...", that happens.
[37:01] "If...", we still have this jahiliyyah in us.
[37:04] And Allah says, those were the pagans Arabs.
They had a lot of superstition.
[37:07] Small things happen, "Oh, definately this."
[37:10] You see the women comb their hair. When they comb their hair they put it in a bowl, some of it falls out.
[37:14] When they put it in the bowl, sometimes the wind blows it. It's very light. To a corner.
[37:19] And after a while when they find their own hair in the corner: "See, someone's doing black magic here."
Allahu akbar.
[37:25] Typical. But sister, it's your hair. The wind blew it on the side. What are you doing this for?
[37:30] Why do you want to blame people? It's the jahiliyyah.
May Allah protect us.
[37:34] This is why even those who think that black magic has happened upon them. Perhaps in the rare cases it may be.
[37:41] How to help yourself?
We will come through that in the life of Muhammad SAW because it happened to him. Sallallahualaihiwasallam.
[37:49] So you have: they used to go to fortune tellers at the time.
[37:53] Anything small happens, go to a fortune teller.
[37:56] Anything little happens, they would quickly run here and there.
People want to tell what's the future.
[38:01] There was a man who told me that I was... At one of the airports and a man came to me and told me, "I can tell you your future."
[38:07] So he's a Muslim.
He says, "I don't want to know."
"No, I can tell you."
[38:10] So this man walked with his wife. He took his wife and said, "Hey, leave this man alone."
[38:14] And the man persisted. And he insisted.
[38:16] And he said, "I can tell you your future."
[38:18] And he sat down with them.
And this man, Muslim, he says, "Look, please."
"Get away. I don't want to hear anything."
He says, "No. I just charge very little. Don't worry, I'll give you a discount. I'll charge you five dollars."
[38:29] Whatever the figure was, I can't recall.
But the man started saying, "Oh, you live this long, and this is what will happen and you'll have this child and that..."
And the man, these people were not even bothered. They weren't even really listening.
[38:38] When he finished, he looks at the man, says, "Right. Pay me."
[38:42] So this Muslim man told me: that I told him, I said, "You what? You claim to know the future. You know so much of the future, you should have known that I'm not paying you."
Allahu akbar.
May Allah SWT open our doors.
[38:54] Our difficulty, we still go to fortune-tellers.
We want to see what's going on.
[38:59] People go to witch doctors.
And they don't realize how the witch doctor works. It's very logical.
[39:05] "Logical" meaning: we would be able to explain to you how the jin kind is used as spirit.
And call spirit mediums.
Where do they come from.
How to talk to them.
How to communicate them.
How to use them.
[39:17] But all that in Islam is prohibited.
[39:20] We can explain it to you. And we know how it works.
But it is prohibited.
[39:23] And we need to know this.
[39:25] We need to know this.
May Allah SWT open our doors.
[39:29] Wallahi, we have ahead of us twenty-nine to thirty nights.
[39:34] And we have a sirah of Muhammad SAW.
[39:37] I don't wish to take up too much of your time because you have to come back tomorrow to listen to what more we have.
[39:44] And we will continue tomorrow. From where?
[39:46] Insya-Allah, making mention of the people of jahiliyyah within the Arabian peninsular. What they were involved in, Insya-Allah.
[39:55] When Allah SWT chose for them that this nabi will be raised from amongst them.
[40:02] And Insya-Allah, I hope and I pray we can realize the gift we are in today.
[40:06] We are sitting so pure with our women elevated to the highest level.
[40:11] Neither are our women being conned by the liberation, or the word "freedom" today.
[40:19] Nor are they being oppressed.
[40:21] But they are taught to fulfil their role as Muslim women.
[40:24] And that we will come to realize when we see both extremes.
[40:28] Until we meet again tomorrow if Allah gives us the life and the opportunity to be here again, Insya-Allah we meet.
[40:34] We say, "
Wasallallahu wasallam wabarak 'ala nabina muhammad. Subhanallahi bihamdihi. Subhanakallahumma bihamdik. Ash-hadu alla-ilaha-illa anta. Nastaghfiruka na wa-atubu-ilaik."
Dimulakan: 28 Syawal 1433H / 15 September 2012M, Sabtu.
Diterbitkan: 12 Zulkaedah 1433H / 28 September 2012M, Jumaat.
Dikemaskinikan: 13 Zulhijah 1433H / 28 Oktober 2012M Isnin.